Lesson 403
Did you know that tiny goldfish can become a menace to the Great Lakes? Join Mr. Peterson as he explores how invasive goldfish impact our ecosystem and teaches a valuable literacy lesson on cause and effect. Learn to create a cause and effect chart to enhance your reading and writing skills!
Lesson 204
Did you know the North American River Otter is making a splash in the Detroit River after 100 years? Join Mr. Peterson and Dr. John Hartig as they explore the otters' return and what it means for the environment. Plus, learn how to write from a first-person point of view in a fun, otter-inspired writing lesson!
Lesson 202
Join Mr. Peterson as he dives into the world of algae and explores how human actions cause harmful algal blooms. Learn about eutrophication, the impact on wildlife, and how you can make a positive environmental change!
Lesson 201
Dive into our reliance on electricity and its sources. Explore renewable and non-renewable energy, with a focus on solar power.
Lesson 105
See how this video models descriptive writing with a vivid paragraph from an 1800s miner's perspective, using sensory details to bring the pasty and the mining experience to life.
Lesson 405
Have you heard all the buzz about bees lately? Join Mr. Peterson as he explores two native Michigan bees and their role in pollination. Plus, learn how a Venn diagram can help organize your thoughts and improve your writing skills when comparing and contrasting!
Lesson 106
Take a trip with Mrs. Mora as she teaches us how prefixes and suffixes can help us understand challenging words related to travel.
Lesson 201
Learn strategies to help decode words using prefixes and suffixes. Mrs. Mora teaches us how large words, like renewable, can be easily decoded by understanding word parts!
Lesson 206
Farmers use a lot of challenging words as part of their work growing and harvesting our food. Mrs. Mora teaches us how to use prefixes and suffixes to decode words related to farming.
Lesson 105
Do you love tasty treats? So do we! Mrs. Mora helps us to understand how to use vowels to break words into parts and how to read and understand multisyllabic words all while learning about food related terms.
Lesson 205
Learn how to use vowels to break words into parts to make them easier to read. Mrs. Mora shows us how to break apart an important word to learn about syrup farming.
Lesson 202
Learn bow to use word parts, like prefixes and suffixes, to break big words down into understandable word parts.
Meet poet laureates, discover a collection of poems written by Flint students, and visit a cool poetry competition in Lansing.
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, learn how to write a testimonial using your favorite food. Each [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Sherry and Kimia use use detailed writing to create a secret [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Lindsey and Andrew teach us how to make persuasive speeches! Each [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Lindsey and Andrew help us create incredible objects for characters in [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Sherry and Kimia show us how to draw emotions in emotional [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Andrew and Lindsey use synonyms to write compliments! Each episode of [...]
Join Story Pirate friends Lauren and Sam as they cast out common word “Nice” and replace it with richer, more [...]
Watch Story Pirate friends Lauren and Chris as they cast out common word “Bad” and replace it with richer, more [...]
Watch Story Pirate friends Lauren and Andy as they cast out common word “Good” and replace it with richer, more [...]
Watch Story Pirate Eric become President of the United States as he and Story Pirate Lauren cast out common phrase [...]
Following step-by-step written instructions is an excellent way to promote literacy in everyday activities. It connects the text with actions and also provides an opportunity for broader conversations with the child, including questions that aren't answered with a simple yes or no.
Jugar con juguetes de construcción, como bloques, o usar las cosas a su alrededor para construir con su hijo es un buen momento para practicar las habilidades de alfabetización. Playing with construction toys like blocks, or using things around them to build with their child, is a good time to practice literacy skills.
Learn how you can use reading time to help early learners in their lives learn new words and their meanings.
في عالم ملئ بالتكنولوجيا يأتي كل شيء فيه بسرعة كبيرة، لماذا لا نستغل لفرصة لإبطاء الأمور؟ من إحدى طرق ذلك قضاء الوقت في تأليف الخطابات وكتابتها وإرسالها بالبريد إلى الأصدقاء والعائلة. In a technology-filled world where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow things down? One way to do that is spending time composing, writing, and sending letters by mail to friends and family.
Playing with construction toys like blocks, or using things around them to build with their child, is a good time to practice literacy skills.
In a world full of technology and where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow down? Spending time composing, writing, and sending letters to friends and family is a way to do so.
إن اتباع التوجيهات التفصيلية المكتوبة يمثل طريقة رائعة لتعزيز التعلم في الأنشطة اليومية. يربط ذلك النص بالإجراءات ويوفر كذلك فرصة لمحادثات مطولة جيئة وذهابًا مع طفلك تتضمن أسئلة لا يتم الإجابة عليها بمجرد نعم أو لا. Following detailed written instructions is a great way to enhance learning in daily activities. This text connects with actions and also provides an opportunity for extended conversations with your child, including questions that are not answered with just a yes or no.
The library is an important place for children who are learning to read and write. Allowing them to explore their own interests in books helps nurture a curious mind.
Escribir nuevas letras para canciones conocidas es una forma divertida de jugar con las palabras y desarrollar habilidades lingüísticas en los niños. El ritmo y el tono también son importantes cuando los niños hablan. Writing new lyrics for familiar songs is a fun way to play with words and develop language skills in children. Rhythm and tone are also important when children speak.
Las oportunidades de escritura que tiene el niño a diario son importantes para el desarrollo de su alfabetización. El juego dramático y el tiempo de fantasía son oportunidades perfectas para practicar las habilidades de lectoescritura. The daily writing opportunities that the child has are important for their literacy development. Dramatic play and fantasy time are perfect opportunities to practice reading and writing skills.
Early experiments in writing words can sometimes lead to misspellings or even things that aren't letters at all. Learn about how this is normal and part of the learning process.
"تمثل المكتبة مكانًا مهمًا لممارسي القراءة والكتابة في المراحل التعليمية المبكرة. يساعد ترك الأطفال يستكشفون اهتماماتهم في الكتب على تنشئة عقول تواقة للمعرفة. "The library represents an important place for reading and writing practice in the early educational stages. Allowing children to explore their interests in books helps nurture knowledge-hungry minds.
La biblioteca es un lugar importante para los niños que están aprendiendo a leer y a escribir. Dejar que exploren sus propios intereses en los libros los ayuda a fomentar una mente curiosa. The library is an important place for children who are learning to read and write. Allowing them to explore their own interests in books helps nurture a curious mind.
"Seguir instrucciones paso a paso escritas es una excelente manera de fomentar la lectoescritura en las actividades cotidianas. Conecta el texto con acciones y además ofrece una oportunidad de mantener conversaciones más amplias con el niño que incluyan preguntas que no se responden con un simple sí o no." "Following step-by-step written instructions is an excellent way to promote literacy in everyday activities. It connects the text with actions and also provides an opportunity for broader conversations with the child, including questions that aren't answered with a simple yes or no."
The daily writing opportunities that the child has are important for their literacy development. Dramatic play and fantasy time are perfect opportunities to practice reading and writing skills.
تعد الفرص اليومية المتاحة أمام طفلك للكتابة مهمة لتنمية مهارات تعلمه. تمثل المسرحيات الدرامية والأوقات المخصصة للتخيل فرصًا مثالية لممارسة مهارات التعلم. The available daily opportunities for your child to write are important for developing their learning skills. Dramatic plays and dedicated imaginative times represent ideal chances for practicing learning skills.
Writing new lyrics for familiar songs is a fun way to play with words and develop language skills in children. Rhythm and tone are also important when children speak.
Lesson 403
Did you know that tiny goldfish can become a menace to the Great Lakes? Join Mr. Peterson as he explores how invasive goldfish impact our ecosystem and teaches a valuable literacy lesson on cause and effect. Learn to create a cause and effect chart to enhance your reading and writing skills!
Lesson 204
Did you know the North American River Otter is making a splash in the Detroit River after 100 years? Join Mr. Peterson and Dr. John Hartig as they explore the otters' return and what it means for the environment. Plus, learn how to write from a first-person point of view in a fun, otter-inspired writing lesson!
Lesson 202
Join Mr. Peterson as he dives into the world of algae and explores how human actions cause harmful algal blooms. Learn about eutrophication, the impact on wildlife, and how you can make a positive environmental change!
Lesson 201
Dive into our reliance on electricity and its sources. Explore renewable and non-renewable energy, with a focus on solar power.
Lesson 105
See how this video models descriptive writing with a vivid paragraph from an 1800s miner's perspective, using sensory details to bring the pasty and the mining experience to life.
Lesson 405
Have you heard all the buzz about bees lately? Join Mr. Peterson as he explores two native Michigan bees and their role in pollination. Plus, learn how a Venn diagram can help organize your thoughts and improve your writing skills when comparing and contrasting!
Lesson 106
Take a trip with Mrs. Mora as she teaches us how prefixes and suffixes can help us understand challenging words related to travel.
Lesson 201
Learn strategies to help decode words using prefixes and suffixes. Mrs. Mora teaches us how large words, like renewable, can be easily decoded by understanding word parts!
Lesson 206
Farmers use a lot of challenging words as part of their work growing and harvesting our food. Mrs. Mora teaches us how to use prefixes and suffixes to decode words related to farming.
Lesson 105
Do you love tasty treats? So do we! Mrs. Mora helps us to understand how to use vowels to break words into parts and how to read and understand multisyllabic words all while learning about food related terms.
Lesson 205
Learn how to use vowels to break words into parts to make them easier to read. Mrs. Mora shows us how to break apart an important word to learn about syrup farming.
Lesson 202
Learn bow to use word parts, like prefixes and suffixes, to break big words down into understandable word parts.
Meet poet laureates, discover a collection of poems written by Flint students, and visit a cool poetry competition in Lansing.
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
Each episode of SPTV includes one of these educational lessons. Catch full episodes of Story Pirates on the Michigan Learning [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, learn how to write a testimonial using your favorite food. Each [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Sherry and Kimia use use detailed writing to create a secret [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Lindsey and Andrew teach us how to make persuasive speeches! Each [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Lindsey and Andrew help us create incredible objects for characters in [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Sherry and Kimia show us how to draw emotions in emotional [...]
On this episode of Story Pirates University from SPTV, Andrew and Lindsey use synonyms to write compliments! Each episode of [...]
Join Story Pirate friends Lauren and Sam as they cast out common word “Nice” and replace it with richer, more [...]
Watch Story Pirate friends Lauren and Chris as they cast out common word “Bad” and replace it with richer, more [...]
Watch Story Pirate friends Lauren and Andy as they cast out common word “Good” and replace it with richer, more [...]
Watch Story Pirate Eric become President of the United States as he and Story Pirate Lauren cast out common phrase [...]
Following step-by-step written instructions is an excellent way to promote literacy in everyday activities. It connects the text with actions and also provides an opportunity for broader conversations with the child, including questions that aren't answered with a simple yes or no.
Jugar con juguetes de construcción, como bloques, o usar las cosas a su alrededor para construir con su hijo es un buen momento para practicar las habilidades de alfabetización. Playing with construction toys like blocks, or using things around them to build with their child, is a good time to practice literacy skills.
Learn how you can use reading time to help early learners in their lives learn new words and their meanings.