This article was written by Randy Liepa and originally published in The Detroit News.

As we read stories every day about how the pandemic has upended education, so many are looking for new ways to support our children with their learning, given the world’s new realities.

There’s a new resource that has brought teachers, administrators, school boards and others together, in full agreement that it can be a positive added learning tool for families and schools.

Many significant organizations in the state focused on education endorse this new service.

The American Federation of Teachers – Michigan, the Michigan Education Association, the Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators, the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators, the Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals, the Michigan Department of Education, the Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association and the Michigan Association of School Boards have joined together to encourage Michigan parents and teachers to take advantage of something few states can boast — the Michigan Learning Channel.

The platform for families, students and teachers, available on TV and online at no cost and commercial-free, was created by Detroit Public Television with the help of Michigan educators and helps all of us who want to see students achieve.

The lessons and content available there, created by our educators, meet Michigan education standards and are fun to use, supplementing what students learn in classrooms.

What started as a needed resource for families when their students were learning at home during the onset of the pandemic has led to something that now can be used to supplement learning at school, either during the school year in classrooms, at home or during the summer as parents look for quality learning opportunities for their children. Michigan now has an educational asset that other states will want to copy.

Our students and our educators have shared a couple of very challenging, disruptive years. It has been nothing we would ever want to repeat. But something positive and long-lasting has emerged. The Michigan Learning Channel is a great added resource for families. It, and the future platforms it can inspire, should be part of every household. If you are a parent, take a look at