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The Michigan Learning Channel is designed with teachers in mind! We curate high-quality, standards-aligned video content and related materials that encourage learning both in and out of the classroom. New resources for teachers are being added all the time, so bookmark this page or sign up for the MLC teacher newsletter to see all the latest news.
Browse our resource collections below for in-depth classroom planning, find lessons on the fly with our video library and options sorted by teaching standard, or see what professional learning opportunities we offer.
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Principal and Administrator Resource Hub
Curated resources for school principals. Plan ahead or find easy lesson ideas in a pinch!
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Hear from Authors on their Works Showcasing Black storytellers is a powerful way to celebrate Black History Month with [...]
Take a Brain Break! Break up the day with these short, active segments that lead students through a quick [...]
Your Solution to Snow Days, Last-Minute Fill-Ins, and More We've curated a collection of lessons that are ready [...]
Quick Finds for School Principals and Administrators Planning ahead, filling in for a classroom, and building professional learning [...]
Pledge your support to prevent bullying during the month of October.
Teachers on Read, Write, ROAR! Upper Elementary Read, Write, ROAR! Upper Elementary has a cast of real Michigan [...]
The women's suffrage movement, film and media, pirates, and more in collections built for classrooms.
How to talk about race with students of any age.
The Michigan Learning Channel has compiled a comprehensive list of mental health, physical health, and family resources.
Practice lessons from our ELA and literacy show at home with your young readers.
Help students build relationships and self identity during the first weeks of school.
Explore the world of STEM careers with teacher resources, a student quiz, and more!
Videos and events to accompany the summer reading program of most Michigan libraries.
Expressing emotions through writing programs from The Diatribe and the Michigan Learning Channel
A fairy tale brought to life through music and dance. Now available on television and on demand!
Digital tools to spice up your back to school activities.
The weather is cooling down, but learning is always fun on the Michigan Learning Channel. Our summer resources are still here and are a great tool to use all year long.
Meet our Read, Write, ROAR! teachers and coaches and learn about what they do off-screen.
Submit a video to celebrate a teacher you know who has made a difference for a student, colleague, parent, or community.
Professional learning opportunities scheduled this spring and summer to help you teach and learn with IM Math.
Follow the story of a family of women who took over their family farm and see accompanying educational resources.
March is Reading Month and the Michigan Learning Channel is here to provide resources and activities for readers of all ages. See our list of programming below and set reading goals with your child.
The Michigan Learning Channel celebrates Women’s History Month throughout the month of March with programs that recognize the advancements and contributions that women have made throughout history.
Michigan Learning Channel brings you a curated selection for Black History Month of their interviews with African American authors.
The Where Are the Women? Summit promises to be thought-provoking, informative and inspiring. The summit is free and open to the public. Teachers that participate will receive a 2-hour professional development credit, and all participants get a free women’s history resource guide as a takeaway.
View the calendar of special programming, links to on-demand content and lessons available for Black History Month on the Michigan Learning Channel.
Create one-of-a-kind learning experiences with thousands of FREE classroom-ready resources aligned to Michigan education standards!
A passionate community of nationally-recognized classroom changemakers Visit the PBS Digital Innovators Website