
Art and Actions That Inspire Kindness

October is Bullying Prevention Month. The Michigan Learning Channel has worked with Delta College Public Media to put together a collection of activities schools can use to inspire students to stand up to bullying and encourage their peers to be kind to one another.

Sign a Pledge

Signing a pledge that is displayed in public areas like a classroom or cafeteria is a great way for students to hold themselves accountable. Download our printable pledge for your students to sign in color or black and white.

bullying pledge color

bullying pledge BW

Get Creative

Invite students to create a piece of art that inspires kindness and encourages their peers to stand up to bullying. Examples include physical art like a poster or drawing, a song, or even a short play. See examples below for inspiration.

Try a Hands-On Activity

Use crafts and stories to share an anti-bullying message. Try an example below or add an anti-bullying message to an existing lesson.

  1. Kindness Rocks: Paint rocks with positive sayings to put around your schools or community
  2. Slime and a Story: Read My Mouth is a Volcano by Juila Cook. Then, create slime! Students can mix in letter beads that represent different words and phrases that make them feel happy.
  3. Kindness Cards or Wreath: Paint or write quotes and phrases to hand out or share with others, or write them on strips of fabric to tie around a circle of cardboard or foam to hang as a wreath.

Share Your Accomplishments

Fill out our submission form to share what your students are doing to stand up to bullying. Share photos or videos of your signed pledges, artwork, and activities and we’ll post them on our social media!

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