Key Ideas and Details.
I can ask and answer questions before, during, and after reading a text.
I can recall who, what, where, when, why, and how to show understanding of details in a fictional text.
Related Lessons
Lesson 202
Practice words with the -tch- sound and read a tall tale about Paul Bunyan.
Lesson 214
Create a word ladder and listen to two stories in order to compare and contrast them.
Lesson 213
Practice dividing words into syllables and listen to a story about water.
Lesson 206
Practice words that include -ngth-, then read and write about volcanoes.
Lesson 415
Read about animals that help plant trees and practice words with more than one syllable.
Lesson 413
Practice reading words with more than one syllable in a text about a hungry groundhog.
Lesson 411
Read a hybrid text about the desert and write sentences.
Lesson 401
Learn about the prefixes pre- and over-.
Lesson 313
Read words with the dis-, un-, and in- prefexies.