Michigan Teachers Bring Reading Essentials to You
Read, Write, ROAR! is an English Language Arts program for kindergarten through 3rd Grade learners. The Michigan Learning Channel partnered with MAISA and real Michigan teachers to create educational video lessons and corresponding activity sheets that align to Michigan teaching standards and the Literacy Essentials. Each lesson has a list of standards included as an easy reference for educators and homeschoolers.
These lessons and activity sheets helps students build literacy skills through word-building lessons, read-alouds, writing exercises, exploring informational text, and more. Parents and educators can use these resources to build on what students are covering in school, as extra practice on key topics, and as fun activities to break up the day.
A Full Year of Lessons, for Four Grades
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade of Read, Write, ROAR! includes a full school year of video lessons and accompanying activity sheets on topics that align to Michigan teaching standards. Each “season” of the series follows a marking period of the school year, so parents and educators can easily find the topics their students are covering at any given time of year. Expand the sections below to see a list of each grade’s themes.
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